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Special Education

Special Education FAQs

  • Special education is specially designed instruction and/or related services for students with a disability.

  • Eligibility for special education is a team decision. It is a result of a IEP team meeting where the team reviews the results of the comprehensive evaluations of your child. The team then answers 3 key questions:

    1) Does the student have one or more of the following disabilities: 

    • Autism
    • Developmental Delay
    • Intellectual Impairment
    • Sensory: Hearing, Vision, Deaf-Blind Neurological
    • Emotional Disability
    • Communication
    • Physical
    • Specific Learning Disability
    • Health Disability

     See: MA Disability Definitions

    2) Is the student making effective progress in the general education program? (In the case of a three-year re-evaluation, would the student continue to make effective progress in the general education program without special education services?)

    3) Does the student require special education and/or related services to make effective progress and/or to access the general education curriculum?

  • Not every child with a disability will require special education services. Every child whose disability affects both their ability to access the general education curriculum and make effective progress is entitled to receive a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) which meets their unique needs.

  • Once a child has been evaluated and determined eligible for special education, a team will develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP) to ensure the student receives all the supports and services they need to learn.

  • To refer your child for a special education evaluation, you should reach out to your child's building principal. Someone from your child’s school will connect with you to discuss your concerns and begin the next steps of the referral process.

  • A special education evaluation is a series of comprehensive assessments conducted by qualified professionals in each area of suspected disability. The IDEA specifically prohibits the use of one assessment as the sole criterion to determine special education eligibility See 603 C.M.R 28.04(2) and 34 CFR 300.304. The purpose of the special education evaluation is two-fold:

    (1) to determine if the student is eligible for special education services; and

    (2) to drive the development of an appropriate IEP aligned to meet the student’s special education needs.

    Evaluations may include the following types of assessments: developmental, psychological, educational achievement, home assessment, speech/language, occupational therapy (fine motor/sensory), physical therapy (gross motor), behavioral, assistive technology, or augmentative-alternative communication. Additionally, evaluations often involve caregiver interviews, as well as observations of the student in a variety of environments.

    • 5 days: Within five school working days of receiving your request for a special education evaluation, you will a response from the district and a Proposed Action Notice and Evaluation Consent or a Refusal to Act will be generated and mailed to you.
    • 30 days: Within thirty school working days from the receipt of a signed evaluation consent, all testing outlined on the evaluation consent will be completed.
    • 45 days: Within forty five school working days your child's special education team will convene, determine your child's eligibility for special education services, and develop an IEP for your child (if they are eligible).
    • 10 days: If your child is found eligible for special education services, you will receive your child's proposed IEP within ten school working days from the date of your child's initial team meeting.
    • 30 days: You have thirty calendar days to submit a response to your child's proposed IEP.
  • An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is formed at the Team meeting and represents a formal agreement about the services that the school will provide for your child’s special education needs. The IEP is a contract between you and the school.

    • Parent(s) or guardian(s)
    • At least one of your child's special education teachers and/or related service providers
    • At least one of your child's regulation education teachers if your child is (or may) be participating in the regular education environment
    • Other individuals or agencies, invited by the parent or the district
    • Someone to interpret the evaluation results and explain what services may be needed
    • Other people or agencies that have special expertise or knowledge of your child
    • Your child if they are between the ages of 14-22
  • A child who is eligible for special education services is entitled by federal law to receive a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). FAPE ensures that all students with disabilities receive an appropriate public education at no expense to the family. FAPE differs for each student because each student has unique needs. FAPE specifies that needed services must be provided without cost to the family.

  • The federal law, IDEA, mandates that students with disabilities must be educated with their non-disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate based on the student’s needs. This is known as the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).

  • The Team (including the parent) determines the least restrictive environment, or placement that meets the student's needs and provides the services identified in the IEP. This means that the student should attend the school they would attend if non-disabled, unless the Team determines that the student's disability requires a different placement providing the opportunity to have a successful educational experience.

  • A child's program is determined by the services outlined on their IEP Service Delivery Grid. Your child's program or programming is not determined by a specific classroom or teacher.